2019 Resolution Check-in


We’re over a month into 2019, so we wanted to have a resolution check-in for all of our fellow adventurers. If you find yourself unsure of how you will stick to your resolutions, we have some inspiration from Tanzania that can be key to reaching your 2019 resolution goals.


Resolution #1:

Get Fit and Healthy

Dieting and exercising more are the most popular resolutions for 2019. To achieve this resolution, push your body and mind to the limit by trekking Mt. Kilimanjaro, the largest mountain on the continent. Trekking Kilimanjaro is not just for experienced climbers. It can be accomplished by most healthy people with the right training and preparation. Use the trek as your fitness goal, spending the time leading up to it training—focusing especially on increasing endurance, improving your strength, and withstanding high altitudes.

Discover Mt. Kilimanjaro’s Machame Route, the most popular route to the summit of Kilimanjaro that is known for its incredible views and variety of habitats. With the summit as your fitness goal, you’ll achieve your resolution and be able to say you’ve reached the highest point on the African continent.

Learn more about trekking in Tanzania, and see how Above Safaris promotes responsibility through our mountain adventures.

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Resolution #2:

Explore the Outdoors

Nature not only makes us happier and more creative, but also makes us healthier. Spending time outside can lead to significant health benefits such as improved blood pressure, decreased cancer risk, boosted mental health, and reduced stress levels.

Tanzania is home to world-renowned National Parks, as well as one of the greatest wildlife spectacles in the world. Popular destinations include Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park, and Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Experience the great outdoors on an Active Adventure through five of Tanzania’s most impressive National Parks. You will have the opportunity to walk alongside zebras and giraffes in Arusha National Park, bike through the Great Rift Valley, and soar over herds of migrating wildebeests and hungry lions in Serengeti National Park in a hot air balloon. A truly unique outdoor experience.

Explore an Above Active Adventure, and see how Above Safaris promotes sustainability through your outdoor adventure.

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Resolution #3:

Make More Quality Time

In the midst of busy schedules, it can be difficult to prioritize spending time with friends and family. However, spending more time with loved ones creates stronger bonds, builds memories, and leads to greater happiness. Plus, it may be the key to a longer life.

Imagine a Tanzanian adventure that will create memories for a lifetime, for you and your family and friends. Tanzania offers a variety of kid-friendly activities that are both fun and safe—from up-close animal encounters in the wild to beach time in Zanzibar.

A Great Migration trip allows you to come together to experience one of the greatest wildlife experiences in the world. Over two million wildebeests, zebras, and gazelles make their way across the endless plains of Serengeti in search of food and water. You and your loved ones will witness first-hand the real “circle of life.”

Learn more about the Great Migration, and see how Above Safaris promotes sustainability through your Above Migration Adventure.

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Resolution #4:

Focus on Mindfulness

Mindfulness means focusing on the present moment— something which improves well-being, physical health, and mental health.

An Above Yoga Retreat is an opportunity to focus on mindfulness— whether you’re a beginner just starting out or someone with a seasoned practice. With the option of 8 or 13 days, your days will start and end with yoga and meditation practice. Outside of that, you will spend the remaining time exploring Tanzania’s incredible National Parks and pristine tropical beaches.

Explore an Above Yoga Retreat, and see how you can make space for mindfulness this year.


Resolution #5:

Travel More

Exploring new places is good for your mental and emotional wellbeing. By traveling more, you reduce your stress level, boost your happiness, increase your creativity, and expand your mind.

Made up of 120 tribes, Tanzania is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world— a perfect environment to broaden your perspective. In Tanzania, you will find a unique mix of village traditions and a growing urban economy.

Experience the Massai culture and way of life, a tribe known for their vibrant clothing and rich tradition. Looking to expand your palate? Unleash your inner foodie with essential Tanzanian meals—pilau rice, samosas, and Nyama Choma.

Learn more about Tanzanian cultural excursions, and see how Above Safaris promote community innovation through your cultural adventure.

At Above Safaris, we believe resolutions should be an adventure you are excited for. We hope these Tanzanian excursions inspired you to reach your 2019 resolutions. If you have any questions, we would love to hear from you!

Kashmiri Schmookler